Nibbler SEO audit for


The overall score for this website.


How accessible the website is to mobile and disabled users.

The following tests contribute to this score:


How satisfying the website is likely to be for users.


How well marketed, and popular the website is.


How well designed and built the website is.

Nibbler tested a sample of 5 pages from this website at 11:44 on 2 May 2024 (BST).

Top priorities for website improvement

  • Add meaningful anchor text that describes the link's destination. If the link contains an image, ensure you have provided alt text. (read more)
  • Consider a leading website analytics solution, such as WebTrends or Google Analytics. (read more)
  • Define meaningful headings for all webpages. This is likely to help this website's search engine placement and assist visitors in navigating content. (read more)


0% of pages use analytics

No Analytics SolutionNo

  • None of this website is using any recognised analytics software. It is still possible to gather a great deal of information from webserver logs, however complete visitor analysis requires client-side Javascript or an image not found here.
    • Consider a leading website analytics solution, such as WebTrends or Google Analytics.
  • Note that this test can only detect recognised analytics solutions. If an analytics solution is new, obscure or used in a non-standard way (e.g. it has been customised) it may not be detected.


0% of pages are optimised for printing

Server behaviour3.4

Yes404 page


Meta tags3.6

  • All pages include at least some metadata, but only 20.0% of pages have a description meta tag. The description meta data is important as it appears on Google's search result pages.

Meta Tags (name attribute)

Page URLNameContent, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=noなく頃にシリーズ 待望の最新作(2019年夏)キコニアのなく頃に,竜騎士07,when they cry, initial-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no


expansion steam thexpansion

  • A significant amount (20.0%) of pages do not use defined headings. This means that users and search engines may find it harder to determine the content of this website's pages. Correctly defined headings aid accessibility and are particularly important for search engine optimisation.
    • Define meaningful headings for all webpages. This is likely to help this website's search engine placement and assist visitors in navigating content.
  • Some headings (2.0%) were found to be empty, or incorrectly defined. Empty or invalid headings are of no value to search engines and make a website less accessible.
    • Make sure all headings have content which is relevant to the page of content.
  • Some pages did not define headings correctly. The H1 tag should be used for the most top-level heading, with H2 being used for sub-headings and H3 for further sub-headings and so-on. Not conforming to this convention may confuse visitors.
    • Ensure that headings are defined in a semantically correct way, i.e. always start with a H1 tag. This is used to summarise the page content. Further tags (H2, H3, H4 etc) are meant to summarise and partition sections within the content.

Page headings detail

URLHeadingLevel最新情報H1 Expansionとは?H1より大切なお知らせH2同人活動での二次創作に関する当サークルの見解H2君にしか、立ち向かえない。H2『ひぐらしのなく頃に』の世界へようこそH2■『ひぐらしのなく頃に』はサウンドノベルH2連続殺人ノベル『ひぐらしのなく頃に』H2・雛見沢迷所案内H2ひぐらしのなく頃に奉+(プラス)H4!≪無料お試し読み版ダウンロード≫H4・ひぐらしのなく頃に奉+(プラス)専売:とらのあなH4・07th Expansion作品一覧(Steam)H4レナ・魅音・沙都子・梨花が雛見沢の各所を写真・解説付きでご紹介します。 詳しくは以下のページをご覧ください。H4「見てろ、この程度の運命なんぞこの俺がプチッとブチ壊してやるぜ」誕生日: 4月13日 血液型: O 星座: 牡羊座 好き: カップラーメン(豚骨ショウガ味)、萌え、雛見沢 嫌い: 料理、家事全般H5「か・・・かかかかぁいいよぉぉお持ち帰りぃぃぃ」誕生日: 7月28日 血液型: O 星座: 獅子座 好き: かぁいいもの 嫌い: 嘘H5「世界のどこだろうとこの仲間達がいれば退屈しないねぇ!」誕生日: 7月10日 血液型: B 星座: 蟹座 好き: ボードゲーム収集、部活、悪戯の準備 嫌い: 素直になれない自分H5「私の手の平の上で踊りなさいですわ!」誕生日: 6月24日 血液型: O 星座: 蟹座 好き: トラップ設置、にーにー、ねーねー 嫌い: かぼちゃ、カリフラワーH5「みー、にぱ~☆」誕生日: 8月21日 血液型: A 星座: 獅子座 好き: ワインの水割り、辛い物 嫌い: 夏、”運命”という言葉H5「だからお姉はだめなんですよー」誕生日: 7月10日 血液型: B 星座: 蟹座 好き: 悟史くん、クリームコロッケ、スイーツ(特にモンブラン) 嫌い: 缶詰、規則、決まりごとH5「…むぅ」誕生日: 6月16日 血液型: A 星座: 双子座 好き: 読書、学校、唐揚げ 嫌い: 虫、弱い自分H5誕生日: 12月3日 血液型: A 星座: 射手座 好き: メイドさん、野球 嫌い: メイドとは名ばかりのお店H5誕生日: 5月3日 血液型: O 星座: 牡牛座 好き: カレーライス、カレーうどん 嫌い: スパゲッティH5誕生日: 11月15日 血液型: O 星座: 蠍座 好き: 酒、煙草、麻雀、バニーガール 嫌い: 犯罪、しいたけH5「オヤシロ様の祟り…って知ってる?」 誕生日: 6月20日 血液型: O 星座: 双子座 好き:文献(ホラー要素を含むもの)、ぬいぐるみ収集、祖父 嫌い: 自分より偉そうな存在、神様H5「やぁ、僕は富竹。フリーのカメラマンさ」 誕生日: 9月14日 血液型: B 星座: 乙女座 好き: 野鳥や風景撮影、ナース服(白) 嫌い: 注射、グリンピースH5誕生日: 12月23日 血液型: O 星座: 山羊座 好き: 酒、甘いもの全般 嫌い: 不義理、根性なしH5誕生日: 11月6日 血液型: B 星座: 蠍座 好き: 酒、娘たち 嫌い: 嘘、しいたけH5誕生日: 5月28日 血液型: O 星座: 双子座 好き: 麻雀、三色同順、単騎待ち 嫌い: 子供、役所、町内会H5誕生日: 7月31日 血液型: B 星座: 獅子座 好き: お金、高級化粧品 嫌い: 説教するオッサンH5「毎度~~、小此木造園でございますんね~~~。」 誕生日: 12月1日 血液型: A 星座: 射手座 好き: 家庭菜園、植物 嫌い: 活発な女性、子供H5「あうあうあう~」 誕生日: 8月1日 血液型: ? 星座: 獅子座 好き: 甘いもの(特にシュークリーム) 嫌い: 辛いもの、お酒、頭の角H5「何と醜き光景か……。己が罪に震えよ」 好き: 奉納米、千年の太平 嫌い: 異種族、和を乱しし民H5「これで助かった……、かどうかは、誰にもわからないです。」 好き: ご飯、食べ放題 嫌い: 怖い人H5ひぐらしシリーズの全作品が、これ1本に収録されています。H5『うみねこのなく頃に』の世界へようこそH2年10月4日の六軒島へようこそH2『うみねこのなく頃に』の推理は、可能か不可能か。H2連続殺人幻想『うみねこのなく頃に』H2うみねこのなく頃に咲H4彼岸花の咲く夜に第1夜H2彼岸花の咲く夜に第2夜H2彼岸花の咲く夜に お試し読み版(1.56GB)H2

URL format6.4

  • 3 URLs include a file extension.
    • Avoid use of file extensions wherever possible. File extensions appear at the end of web addresses, and have several negative effects. They make the address harder to remember or type (particularly for non-technical users), and can reveal the underlying technology of the website making it very slightly more vulnerable to hackers. They also tie the implementation of the website to a specific technology, which can make subsequent migration of URLs difficult. Consider URL rewriting as an effective and transparent means of creating appropriate URLs.

Amount of content7.0

Rendering Chart...

  • This website has an average of 236 words per page. The amount of content on a website has been shown to correlate with its search engine ranking.
    • Consider the amount of text on this website and increase it if appropriate.

Page titles10.0

100% of pages have defined titles

0% of page titles are weak

  • All pages were found to use page titles appropriately. Page titles appear in search results and at the top of the browser's window when visiting the site. Appropriate page titles are particularly important for search engine optimisation.


0% of images have a clearly defined size

No images are being resized by the browser


Last updated April 24, 2024

  • It looks like this website was last updated on Wednesday, 24 April 2024. This is good because visitors perceive up-to-date websites as more credible. Websites that are updated regularly are also spidered by search engines more often.
  • To find this information we used the last modified dates reported by this website's server in addition to looking for dates written on each page.

All dates found

24/04/ modified header
11/04/ modified header
15/07/ text
24/04/ modified header
10/11/ text
24/04/ modified header
24/04/ modified header
03/04/ modified header
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This website does not appear to be associated with a Twitter account.

  • There was a problem checking the Twitter accounts associated with this website.


  • Sorry, it was not possible to determine the popularity for this website.

Source: Ahrefs

Domain agei

  • Sorry, we cannot check the domain age of .net websites.

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